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Healthshare joins Interweave as first MSK partner

Healthshare has become the first Musculoskeletal (MSK) partner to come on board to access the Yorkshire and Humber Shared Care Record, powered by Interweave, and they became a consumer in record time. Healthshare is an independent healthcare provider, with established roots in muscular-skeletal health and diagnostics, founded by expert NHS clinicians.

Having come onboard in August 2024, Healthshare have already seen a huge saving in inefficiencies because there is no longer duplication when a patient is under multiple care providers. Clinicians can now see their patient’s history and upcoming appointments.

Graeme Calder, Senior Operations Manager at Healthshare said. “The main issue we have had for many years was intermittently the information we receive on referrals is inadequate to be able to make an effective triage decision, thus affecting the smooth patient journey along the correct pathway at the very beginning.

The main benefit to Healthshare staff and patients of now being a YHCR consumer is the access to necessary patient information including appointments and prior secondary care documentation/clinic letters. This allows clinicians to understand the patient on a deeper level, by being able to see their future appointments with other services it can allow clinical staff to effectively triage patients to the most appropriate clinic, following the NHS get it right first time (GIRFT) process.

Graeme Calder shared an example of one of his own patients highlighting the benefits of accessing all patient information through the shared care records, “I was able to inform her that she had an important Oncology consultant appointment in a few days, that she was unaware of.”