Systems Interoperability

Modern health and care systems should be capable of integrating with regional Shared Care Records (ShCR)


Organisations seeking new systems (e.g. an EPR tender) should consider the following as part of their procurement process.


Data layer (FHIR preferred)


Data should be shared with the local ShCR via open, industry standard APIs


The Interweave ShCR platform implements the FHIR platform specification. It supports data in structured FHIR format and publishes its own resource profiles to enable greater data consistency


The solution should support the following standards for transmission of health-related information, and preferably be capable of this in real-time:

  • Coding (national/local);
  • PRSB Information Standards
  • Protocol translation/mapping: HL7 (detail supported versions), web services (SOAP, XML, Json, REST), ITK (CDA and HL7 V2 and V3) and FHIR;
  • FHIR messaging compliant with the UK core and/or Care Connect standard

Application Layer (API)


Systems should act as a data consumer to the local ShCR, supporting the OAuth2 standards for authorisation. It should be possible to consume structured regional data through FHIR APIs or have the ability to launch the ShCR in context of a patient.


The solution must support the NHS England view on interoperability to support enabling access to patient information through open interfaces (i.e., Care Connect APIs, GP Connect), the solution must implement these APIs. The solution must support existing NHS API’s wherever possible.


Further ShCR specific information can be found in the Interweave design papers