YHCR Academy
Developed in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), the Yorkshire & Humber Care Record (YHCR) Academy offers a learning programme to help people to learn about the YHCR and support teams through adoption and best practice.
The YHCR Academy has been developed to support the health and social care workforce in their ambition to be self-sufficient when deploying shared care record capabilities and to increase the pace at which adoption and spread can be achieved.
The content created explains how shared care records play a role in supporting a person’s health and wellbeing, why the Yorkshire & Humber Care Record was established, and how to commission and deploy a shared care record solution.
To complement this elearning programme, the YHCR team also provides access to the LinkedIn Learning Platform showcasing a range of video courses, taught by industry experts, on topics related to the adoption of the YHCR.
Access the YHCR Academy
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